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mechanical watch中文是什么意思

用"mechanical watch"造句"mechanical watch"怎么读"mechanical watch" in a sentence


  • 坏表
  • 机械表
  • "mechanical"中文翻译    adj. 1. 机械的;机械制的。 2.机械学的,力学的 ...
  • "watch"中文翻译    n. 1.表;船钟。 2.值夜,值班;守夜;看守人;哨兵 ...
  • "mechanical automatic date watch" 中文翻译 :    坏自动日历表; 机械自动日历表
  • "mechanical date watch" 中文翻译 :    坏日历表; 机械日历表
  • "mechanical multi-function watch" 中文翻译 :    多功能机械表
  • "mechanical watch movement" 中文翻译 :    坏手表痪; 机械手表机芯
  • "a watch" 中文翻译 :    具体事物; 一个手表
  • "be on the watch" 中文翻译 :    留神着, 戒备着
  • "be on watch" 中文翻译 :    在值班
  • "be) on the watch for" 中文翻译 :    不断监视看有没有
  • "on the watch" 中文翻译 :    监视着; 留心; 守侯着; 注意
  • "on the watch for" 中文翻译 :    不断监视看有没有……
  • "on watch" 中文翻译 :    监视; 守望的; 在值班; 值班,守望; 值日
  • "watch" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.表;船钟。 2.值夜,值班;守夜;看守人;哨兵。 3.看守,监视;注意;警戒。 4.【航海】(每4小时轮换的)值班(时间);〔集合词〕值班人员,一班。 5.〔古语〕更〔犹太人把一夜分作 first watch 首更, middle watch 中更, morning watch 末更;罗马人分为 first [evening] watch 头更, second [midnight] watch 二更, third [cock crowing] watch 三更, fourth [morning] watch 四更〕。 be on [ off] watch 值班[不值班]。 be on the watch for 看守着,监视着,提防着;守候着。 call the watch 召集值班人。 in the night watches = in the watches of the night 在睡不着的夜里。 keep (a) watch 看守;值班。 keep watch over 守护;密切注意。 pass as [like] a watch in the night 立刻被忘记掉。 through the silent watches of the night 更深夜静的时候。 watch and ward 昼夜警戒。 watch and watch 【航海】四小时轮流值班,半舷值班。 vt. 1.注视;注意,留心观察。 2.看守,监视。 3.守候(机会等) (for)。 vi. 1.注视,看着;密切注意。 2.警戒,守卫,监视。 3.守候,期待 (for)。 4.〔古语〕守夜;通夜看护;【宗教】守夜[作通宵祈祷]。 watch and say nothing 静观不语。 watch all night at the bedside of a patient 在病人床边通宵侍候。 A watched pot never boils. 见 pot 条。 be closely watched 被严密监视。 if you don't watch it 〔俚语〕你要是不小心。 watch one's time 等待时机。 watch out 1. 〔美俚〕监视,警戒。 2. 密切注视 (for) ( W- out for cars. 当心车辆)。 watch over 监视;留心,注视;看护,照顾。 adj. -able 值得注意[注视]的。
  • "watch for" 中文翻译 :    留神,注意; 守候, 注意, 监视; 注意,小心
  • "watch this" 中文翻译 :    看这招
  • "watch and watch" 中文翻译 :    两班轮班; 双班制(船员分两班轮值
  • "watch the watch" 中文翻译 :    看手表
  • "mechanical" 中文翻译 :    adj. 1. 机械的;机械制的。 2.机械学的,力学的;物理上的(opp. chemical)。 3.机工的,技工的;自动的;机械(地工作)的,无意识的;勉强的。 4.【哲学】机械论的。 5. 〔古语〕粗野的。 a mechanical brake 机力制动器。 a mechanical stoker (自动)加煤机。 mechanical labour 体力劳动。 mechanical equivalent of heat 【物理学】热功当量。 mechanical drawing 机械制图。 mechanical energy 机械能。 mechanical movement 机械运动。 mechanical power 机械功率。 mechanical resistance 【物理学】力阻。 mechanical tissue 【植物;植物学】机械组织。 the mechanical transport 【英陆军】汽车运输队〔略 M.T.〕。 adv. -ly 机械地;无意识地;用机械。 n. -ness 机械性,自动。
  • "mechanical a" 中文翻译 :    机械的;力学的
  • "watch crystal; watch glass" 中文翻译 :    表玻璃
  • "wrist watch; watch" 中文翻译 :    手表
  • "a digital watch" 中文翻译 :    一块电子表
  • "a watch and chain" 中文翻译 :    带链的挂表; 一块带链的表
  • "a wrist watch" 中文翻译 :    一块手表


  • Mechanical watches , finer than ever , are now limited to the high - price luxury market
  • A high - quality mechanical watch will last longer , but you have to wind it up every day
  • The spinning balance wheel that paces a mechanical watch typically rocks back and forth at about five beats a second
  • Every mechanical watch is required to be serviced every 3 - 5 years . where can the simplicity owners go to have their watches serviced
    每一个机械表都会要在使用3 - 5年后做保养。您的手表在那里可做保养?
  • We also provide mechanical watch , quartz watch , insert watch , thermometer , hygrometer . . . . . . detail please visit our website or contact us through our e - mail
  • Shenzhen deli watch manufacturing co . , ltd was founded more than 20 years , it is specialized in design , manufacture and sale of various quartz watches and mechanical watches
  • Timepiece trade sector is located in central section of yunfang shopping center . it mainly manages all kinds of mechanical watch , electronic watch , quartz watch , wall clock , suspended clock , ornamental clock , wooden clock and fittings , it covers all grades of brands exceed ten thousand kinds of goods . and it is an only professional trade sector in whole province at present
用"mechanical watch"造句  


A mechanical watch is a watch that uses a mechanical mechanism to measure the passage of time, as opposed to modern quartz watches which function electronically. It is driven by a spring (called a mainspring) which must be wound periodically.
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